Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Casino Cats For Casino Life

casino cat in abstract black and white
It is very simple. If you pet your cat while playing online casino games, you can stay calm and in control. Doing so may be useful tools when dealing with the extreme excitement that accompanies real money gambling on the internet. This is not just some story. Numerous studies show that stroking the fur of a pet cat can create a sense of calm within the owner of the pet. So if petting a cat can calm frayed nerves in general, it stands to reason that doping while engaged in an exciting activities such as online gaming will also have a positive impact. No one knows exactly why this works, but it does. You can even test this yourself. First, measure your restuing heart rate. Do this upon waking by measuring your pulse for fifteen seconds and then multiplying the rate by four. Then, play online for an hour or more and take your pulse again. Now, pet your cat for a while and take your pulse for a third time. You will find that while the online casino gaming as elevated your pulse, petting the cat has brought that rate way down. So you can use this to your advantage by petting your cat WHILE you play. Incidentally, this is something you could never do in a land-based casino. They wouldn’t let you in the door with your pet cat. But by playing in the comfort and privacy of your home, you can have your cat right there.

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