Monday, April 22, 2013

Tiger Head Op Art

casino art of head of tiger
You like nothing better than to curl up on your couch with your cat and a good book. Now, when you’ve discovered online casino games, you can add that into the mix as well. You used to go to the land based casino sites a lot, but then one day you discovered the online casino sites and it changed the way you do everything. You don’t have to dash out the door on Friday evening anymore to spend a lot of money on gas and hotel rooms just to get to the casino games that you want to play. You don’t have to find someone to take care of your cat and you don’t have to worry about your cat and your house while you’re away. Instead, today, you finish work on a Friday and casually make your way home. You know that the online casino games are sitting there waiting for you and that you won’t have to worry about spending gas or finding a hotel room in order to play the games that you enjoy. And you won’t have to leave that adorable kitten either. The luck just might be on your side now that you can curl up with your cat, play awesome online casino games and enjoy a leisurely and fun filled weekend without any pressures that you used to feel with the land based casino.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Op art of the Big O letter font

op art font of the letter O
A fascinating article in the American Journal of Cardiology has shown that pet owners had heart rates that changed more than people who do not own pets. This means that the pet owners with a heart condition were at an advantage as their heart is more likely to change and adapt to differing circumstances such as a stressful moment. There are numerous other benefits to owning household pets such as cats and dogs. Many non pet owners are surprised when they are presented with these findings. Many pet owners on the other hand claim that these benefits are common knowledge among pet owners and they come to rely and take advantage of these benefits on a regular basis. As well as having benefits for those pet owners with existing heart conditions, stroking and petting a pet such as a dog and cat can reduce the stress and blood pressure of all pet owners. Pet owners have come to rely on this great benefit especially when coming home after a stressful day at work and even when engaging in enjoyable activities that may increase their heart rate or blood pressure such as playing a competitive board game or casino games at the online casino. In fact, there are some workplaces that take advantage of the stress reducing advantages of pets and allow owners to bring their pets to work on condition that they will not be too disruptive and they are clean and well behaved. Allowing workers to bring a pet to work is a low cost wellness intervention that more companies are contemplating.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Online Casino Op Art of Cats

inspector kitty op art
Have you ever seen a cat stare at a rolling ball or at a piece of moving string? Cats are mesmerized by moving objects because they intuitively know something that researchers are just now beginning to understand about online gamers. Internet gambling provides relaxing fun and excitement which changes the serotonin and dopamine levels in a person's body to create a healthy fluctuation that assists in regulating blood pressure, heartbeat, sleep and other healthy living patterns. Online gaming offers many different types of opportunities which present numerous opportunities for players to enjoy a leisurely interlude of excitement and fun as they play for real money prizes. Some gamers prefer to play one specific casino game over and over while other players expand their imagination and gaming skills while testing new game challenges. Gaming companies strive to meet these demands by updating old games and releasing new games at a quick pace. Today, online casino gamers can find hundreds of game alternatives including both classic poker and blackjack along with their modern variations, traditional parlor games such as baccarat, roulette and craps and online lotteries such as scratch card, keno and bingo. One of the most stress-reducing Internet casino games involves slot machines where players find a high level of gaming excitement along with engaging themes which include fantasy, science fiction, romance, adventure, intrigue, mystery, magic, history, comedy, mythology and much more. Added to the engaging themes, online slot machines offer additional thrills in the form of bonus games, multipliers, gambles and 243 Ways to Win.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Casino Cats For Casino Life

casino cat in abstract black and white
It is very simple. If you pet your cat while playing online casino games, you can stay calm and in control. Doing so may be useful tools when dealing with the extreme excitement that accompanies real money gambling on the internet. This is not just some story. Numerous studies show that stroking the fur of a pet cat can create a sense of calm within the owner of the pet. So if petting a cat can calm frayed nerves in general, it stands to reason that doping while engaged in an exciting activities such as online gaming will also have a positive impact. No one knows exactly why this works, but it does. You can even test this yourself. First, measure your restuing heart rate. Do this upon waking by measuring your pulse for fifteen seconds and then multiplying the rate by four. Then, play online for an hour or more and take your pulse again. Now, pet your cat for a while and take your pulse for a third time. You will find that while the online casino gaming as elevated your pulse, petting the cat has brought that rate way down. So you can use this to your advantage by petting your cat WHILE you play. Incidentally, this is something you could never do in a land-based casino. They wouldn’t let you in the door with your pet cat. But by playing in the comfort and privacy of your home, you can have your cat right there.