Some people play games to win. They are always wanting to compete and whether it is football or poker, they are not happy unless they emerge the victor. While playing, they have no time to do things like play with a cat. They are completely focused on the game at hand and will not allow anything to break their concentration, their need to win. But for most people this is not true. Whether they are playing an online casino game like blackjack or roulette or just trying to solve a difficult crossword puzzle, they are happy just to be doing something. Even the process of solving a amaze can be tremendously relaxing. Without the need to prove anything to anyone, you can even take breaks to play with your cat. You will have a much better time and eventually, whether it is a crossword puzzle, a maze, or even a very hard puzzle. Eventually you will win. You will succeed but that fact will only be important to you. Yes, your cat will get some enjoyment out of the fact that you are happy also, but the point is to play the game. That is the most important aspect. So leave the cut throat competitors behind. Just put your cat on your lap and grab a suduko or maze or online game and have fun working your way through it u til you have finished. If there is still time, try another one. Maybe one that is a little harder.
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